
A Brief Reminder That Trump is a Delusional Idiot

Written by SK Ashby

I'm sure no one needs to be reminded that Trump has absolutely no idea what he's saying or doing, but according to the Washington Post he's been telling lawmakers in private that his tax cuts for the rich will lead to 6 percent economic growth.

Trump told a group of Democrats and Republicans on Tuesday that the tax framework could lead the economy to grow more than 6 percent a year, more than double what even his advisers had hoped for and a rate that many economists say is preposterous.

These proposals will be targets, not set-in-stone demands. Lawmakers are expected to debate and negotiate tweaks, leaving the figures open to multiple changes.

"Preposterous" is certainly a word for it.

Trump's own cabinet, including treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and top economic adviser Gary Cohn, have set a slightly less delusional but probably impossible growth target of 4 percent. Trump's cabinet has also been pushing slightly less insane tax rates than Trump has called for but, make no mistake, the GOP's "tax reform" blueprint is a plan for bankrupting the nation. More on that shortly.

Trump is going to talk about their plans today and I expect he'll include the ridiculous 6 percent growth target. I suppose that will be a fun video clip to play back next year. You know, assuming we're all still here.