President Obama

Begging Self-Destruction

Going back to what I wrote about Friday night, there's this item from Glenn Greenwald calling for a purging of corporate centrists from the Democratic Party. Naturally Glenn includes the Obama administration in his rundown of villains.

While Greenwald calls for "systematic primary challenges," which sounds pragmatic and strategic, I continue to worry that the constant Well The Dems Suck Ass, Too drumbeat will have the unintended consequence of spreading disillusionment among the progressive activist base of the party -- disillusionment that could result in several negative outcomes. Among others: the loss of focus on the immediate fights for healthcare reform and energy, and the flagging support for the president which could lead to a very painful 2010 and 2012.

Repeating what I wrote Friday night, there's a smart way to do what Greenwald is suggesting and there's a purely self-destructive way as well. Griping about- and rebelling against every last mistake or poor decision -- no matter how minor or major -- is the best way to be ignored. Everything starts to run together. It's the best way to beg the reaction, Oh, the left is bitching again? They bitch about everything. Ignore. (It's not unlike the Breaking News! Phenomenon. Do we pay attention to "breaking news" banners on cable news anymore? Not really because they're rolled out for everything.)

Modulation, however, tends to get better results. Pick our battles with an eye on priorities. Sure, this isn't as easy as crapping our cages and whining about how the Democrats are bastards, too, or how "Obama is just like Bush." But remaining centered and having some discipline about our message while hammering the Republicans will ultimate be a more successful strategy for building powerful progressive influence. And it won't inadvertently contribute to Republican success.