Election 2016 Religion

Ben Carson Wouldn’t Support Most of the GOP Candidates for President

Written by SK Ashby

That's not exactly what Ben Carson said last night but, effectively, it is.

Carson has embarked on a non-apology, apology tour after saying a Muslim should never become president. Carson appeared for a softball interview on Fox News last night where Sean Hannity deployed the kid gloves.

Carson tried to clarify his statements by saying his comments applied not just to Muslims but to all religious people. “So if, for instance, you believe in a theocracy, I don’t care if you’re a Christian, if you’re a Christian and you’re running for president and you want to make this into a theocracy, I’m not going to support you. I’m not going to advocate you being the president,” Carson said.

This is rich coming from a man who says his tax reform proposal is modeled after "biblical tithing," but I don't think Carson really gave this much thought before he said it.

If Carson will not support a Christian who believes in theocracy, he is effectively ruling out his support for a significant portion of the Republican presidential field, most of whom have advocated ignoring or defying the Constitution in one way or another.

The most obvious example is ostensible Man of the Cloth Mike Huckabee who is running a fire and brimstone campaign.

From gay marriage to abortion, most of the GOP field believes their religious doctrine should be codified into law.