Best Persons

Best Persons in the World

Gabrielle Giffords continues to display greater character and courage than any of us can be accused of having.

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- Former U.S. congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is visiting the town where 26 people, including 20 children, were killed at an elementary school.

Sue Marcinek, an assistant to Newtown first selectman Pat Llodra , says the former Arizona congresswoman met Friday with the selectman, Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman. She was accompanied by her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly.

Giffords was shot in the head by a gunman in a mass shooting that killed six people two years ago outside Tucson.

I imagine a visit with people who experienced a tragedy similar to your own would be very triggering, but Giffords didn't let that stop her from showing her support.

Honorable mentions go to Waterbury, Connecticut police chief Michael Gugliotti who decided that he will not issue permits for gun shows until further notice.