Republican Party

I'm Not An Injured Or Sick Child…

...So why is Michelle Malkin attacking me -- I mean attacking Arianna Huffington who isn't me?

A sanctimonious liberal (redundancy alert!) blogger excoriates various conservatives who all presumably own massive, gas-guzzling vehicles like the Ford F-150.

The blogger, one Bob Cesca, published his post at the Huffington Post, founded by the Queen of gas-guzzling Gulfstream Liberals, Arianna Huffington. Yes, the same Arianna Huffington who was caught driving this Chevy Suburban beauty to get to the Sierra Club’s national summit in San Francisco a few years ago. (Photo of Arianna's SUV posted here)

Tell you what, Bob Cesca. When Arianna swears off all private jet travel and the Frosts cram their kids into a Prius, I’ll buy a scooter.

Until then, take your eco-sanctimony and drive it off a Malibu cliff.

(My Wednesday post here.)

Yeah, so anyway. I have nothing to do with Arianna's vehicle choices and the concluding paragraphs of my post today clearly state that we can all do better. And yes, Malkin went on to refute my post by... inexplicably posting a photo of the car owned by the parents of Graeme Frost.

What about conserving gas and foregoing tax cuts in lieu of the war effort you vocally support, Malkin?