Democratic Party

It's Getting Scary

Taylor Marsh has lost her shpedoinkel:

You [the Rules & Bylaws Committee] have no idea what you've done. The fury you have unleashed. Your arrogance is topped only by your ignorance and the sheer stupidity of this "compromise," which sends a message that you just don't get it. Oh, and by the way, you've also likely just thrown the 2008 election.

Taking myself out of the equation, as well as my support for Clinton which is unending, and to encapsulte the carnage wrought by Saturday's idiocy, you have simply given Hillary's supporters the reason they were craving. Outraged already, many of Hillary's supporters were waiting for a reason to raise a ruckus, and you just gave them one. A righteous one. They were already screaming for Clinton to go to Denver. Now the decibel level is ear shattering.


Honestly, you have no idea the fuse that's now been lit. But to give you an idea. I'm in the minority on my own blog when it comes to pushing back against a McCain presidency. This didn't happen because of anything Clinton did, my friends. You all cemented it all by yourselves. Oh, with the help of some eager, power hungry people thinking they can push the Clintons out of the Democratic Party and take over without half of the people who support the Clintons signing on.

Another indication that the Clinton faction will ultimately split from the Democratic Party. They now have an excuse -- however specious -- to demonize the party itself. To quote Gandalf: "The board is set and the pieces are moving."

The strategy:

1) Target the party as misogynists and election thieves.
2) Continue to paint Senator Obama as a weakling McGovern type.
3) Continue to fight and appear, in contrast, "strong".
4) Split from the party, or conduct an active write-in campaign for November.
5) Pull enough votes away from Senator Obama to give Senator McCain the win.
6) Run again in 2012.

I hope I'm wrong.