
Crazy E-mail Of The Week

I read your article from I think August 2007 [Correction: It was November 2007] about Barack Obama is not a muslim terrorist plant. I’m just very curious. How do you know he’s not a muslim terrorist plant? I mean really. What do you know about him? Why does the guy have ties to Rezko, Auchi, Khalidi and even his pal Valerie Jarret is from Iran. Why the hell would we want a POTUS who may put creepy people like them and Ayers in his administration?

I will not vote that creep because no one will vet him, as if because he is black or something, he needn’t have to answer for anything. He can kiss my ass! Anyone who has the media so snowed and is not held accountable for shit now sure as hell would not be held accountable as POTUS. That is absolutely unacceptable. We’ve had a president no one will hold accountable now so sorry if I won’t buy the big fat Obama lie. If the guy was so great, there wouldn’t need to be this cover up for him.

I don’t like him because he is an arrogant prick who thinks everyone needs to love him and give him a job because he is special. Well, you know what? There’s nothing special about him except that maybe he suffers from mental illness. He sure does think highly of himself. He had no qualms about destroying the democratic party. Why wouldn’t he destroy this great nation?

Wow. I didn't know that the old lady from that McCain town hall knew how to use the e-mail.