Far-right Intellectual Violence

Intellectual Violence: Seance-Gate

No shame. No memory. No sanity. Malkin latches onto the president-elect's Nancy Reagan remark and further proves the intellectual violence theorem -- the far-right's inevitable and shameless disregard for intellectual honesty. In other words, "Who cares if President Bush was a gazillion times worse, Hussein is going down -- going down to Chinatown!"

The comments are even more hypocritical. One commenter called the president-elect a "classless jerk." Seriously? Classless jerk? Sort of like, I don't know, the time John McCain cracked a joke about a teenage Chelsea Clinton? Or when George W. Bush invoked the dreadful cliche, "Bring 'em on!" precipitating an increase in insurgent violence against American soldiers?

Another commenter writes, "We need to design a way to catalog the gaffes." Yeah, because a constitutional scholar and, possibly, one the most intelligent president-elects in modern history is a dumb stupid -- waaayy more doofish than 43 who once said, "a peeance freeance secure Iraq," -- and is therefore deserving of a gaffe archive. So to answer this commenter, we called them Bushisms. Never mind that President-elect Obama is extraordinarily smart and thoughtful -- he'll be treated like a child-like moron.

And don't forget: we're not supposed to oppose the president in a time of war, according to Sean Hannity. I wonder how long that bit of Republican-style patriotism will survive.