Election 2008

Liveblogging Election Day 2008 – Thread 1

12:35 Are we on?

1:21 Am I insane or is MSNBC running commercials for FOX News Channel?

1:22 On MSNBC, a Zamboni just totally crushed Hawaii and parts of southern
California. I hope that's not a bellwether of some sort.

1:23 (The ice rink map.)1:37 I dialed up Rush Limbaugh's first segment today and he was suggesting that the voting situation in Philadelphia is like the first vote in Iraq. Get it? Because African Americans are violent and they could kill you at any moment! Seriously, Limbaugh recommended that if you want to vote for Senator McCain, you should find an Obama button in order to make it to a voting booth alive.1:40 On my personal blog, www.bobcesca.com, I'm running a series of brief first-hand autobiogaphical narratives by former slaves. The intention isn't to necessarily re-open those wounds, but to provide a contrast in terms of how far we've come as a nation.1:46 [Comment From NYis holdingitsbreath]Are you as nervous as the rest of us?1:46 Yes very.1:46 [Comment From Bill Bivin]Bob, my cousin has come under the spell of crazy fake news from email and youtube videos. Outside of waterboarding, how can I get my old cousin back?1:47 fightthesmears.com1:47 factcheck.org1:48 [Comment From mark s.]Yes you're on. And let me just say how much I've enjoyed your columns on this site.1:48 Thanks so much, Mark.1:50 [Comment From J. L]Congrats on raising 10K for Obama Bob!1:51 Thanks, J.L. All I did was pester. What I loved the most was that we did it in two weeks with an average donation of $29.33.1:51 [Comment From Zach]What's your gut feeling on Indiana? I feel like it's going to go for McCain at the end.1:54 History says it'll be McCain, but it's really close. Everything in Indiana depends on turnout in Indianapolis, Bloomington and that northwestern upper corner -- close to Chicago. And of course there's all of the (re: Limbaugh) scary black people to intimidate the McCain voters (end Limbaugh). Seriously, Indiana polls close at 6PM and if it's called for Obama soon after, we can breathe. My hunch is that the word from the cable news people will be 'too close to call' for at least 90 minutes.1:56 [Comment From Chris]I love the site, keep up the good work!, I have a question, perhaps you could answer it for me...? What sense does it make for John McCain to campain on election day. I have never seen anything like it. I thought it made more sense for supporters to vote on election day instead of attending rallies. Although I would never accuse the McCain campain of using reason or logic! Thanks!1:57 : It makes no sense. He should be holding events at polling places. Hearing him go through his, "Fight! And stand up! And fight, fight, fight! While you're standing!" isn't going to help his GOTV.2:01 : Quick 'Cover It Live' shopkeeping thing... It appears as if you can't see your own comments unless I post them in the liveblog. And of course I can't keep up with all of your remarks. So if you'd like your comments to show up permanently, please use the normal comment field on the actual web page.2:01 [Comment From Mare]It blows my mind it is even close anywhere. Why do folks keep voting against their own interests?2:04 : Well, it depends on which voters we're talking about. Some vote against their interests because of one issue. For many conservatives, that issue is abortion. Or same-sex marriage. Those issues trump everything. There's also fear -- fear of terrorism and vulnerability. And there's also certain conservative men who think that voting Democratic is somehow "gay" or effete. Weird.2:05 [Comment From Dave]What are your thoughts on Va?2:06 : Senator Obama will probably win there, but, again, it'll be close. Remember that Senator Webb only won there by a few thousand (?) votes, and the counting was a real nail-biter for most of the night.2:06 [Comment From Adam]Sarah Palin won't say who she voted for? Come on!2:06 : She wrote in her own name for president.And she probably voted for Ted Stevens. Yesss.2:09 [Comment From JeremyB]What sites (besides this CIL window) do you recommend we keep open tonight to quench our insatiable thirst for immediate/live data and analysis?2:09 : Huffington Post, of course. I won't be personally dealing with exit polling (the first wave should happen any second now), but after the polls close, stick around!2:12 [Comment From Groobiecat]Bob, what should I drink tonight?2:13 : Samuel Adams Boston Lager. My favorite beverage. And Jim Koch donates to Democrats.2:13 : I'm hoping that if I mention them, I'll get some for free.2:13 : Mr. Koch?2:14 [Comment From Mr. Koch]On the way, Bob.2:14 : If only this were true.2:14 [Comment From dantl1984]what's your prediction for Florida tonight, Bob?2:17 : Until the last couple of days, I've been thinking that Florida and Ohio would split between Senator Obama and Senator McCain. Obama winning Ohio and McCain winning Florida. But then Senator Obama's national numbers widened, and now I think he could win both states. And here's some straight talk, my friends: Anything can happen at this point. I'm very nervous about today -- more so than 2004.2:17 [Comment From lovecats]I'm bored. No news2:18 : That's why I'm enjoying the Q&A here. I wish you could see all of the Q's, though. Again, if you want to see your comments on the page, use the standard commenting feature on the site.2:19 [Comment From Brian S. from CT]So Bob, You think it'll be closer tonight than all the polls and pundits are suggesting?2:20 : Yes I do.2:20 [Comment From Mark Concannon]Bob, what is the easiest way for McCain to get this done(god I hope not). Is it "mission:impossible" for him at this point?2:22 : I live in Pennsylvania on the border between Philadelphia and Alabama and there are a lot of white people here who, 1) are into the whole Hoo-sane whisper campaign insanity, and 2) who think they make more than $250,000 per year -- but they don't.2:23 : And for the last 24 hours, every commercial break has included the Rev. Wright commercial, and the "I survived an abortion, and Obama is a baby killer" commercial is mixed in there, too.2:24 : Every commercial break on MSNBC -- the "liberal" network.2:24 [Comment From Jenny]So I voted in Texas last week (Austin) and I am sure my vote will count, but I can't help but think that it doesn't really matter because no matter what Texas will always be red. It is a bit depressing. What do you think about liberals voting in non-swing states that no matter what will always be red? Do you think it really makes a difference?2:26 : Absolutely yes! The popular vote counts in terms of giving the winner of the election a governing mandate. The higher the popular vote, the more leverage the next president will have when it comes to guiding the legislative agenda. For instance, if Senator Obama wins the popular vote by six percent or more, he'll be able to basically control the congressional Democratic agenda and more or less prevent them from leaving the reservation. Every vote counts!2:28 [Comment From OT from Sacto]Bob, how would you respond to folks who have bought into the republican slime machine i.e. Obama is a Marxist Communist Muslim??2:31 : I tell them to vote for Bob Barr. The other candidates are all socialists (by the far-right definition of the word). Senator McCain voted for the bailout bill and supports, 1) a progressive income tax, 2) "SOCIAL" Security, and 3) Medicare. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin admitted to spreading the Alaskan oil wealth around -- the ACES plan is absolutely socialist. So... Vote Barr!2:33 : As for the Muslim stuff, I ask them how he can be a Muslim AND attend a radical Christian church for 20 years. They usually respond with, "But, but, but Hussein! Hussein! You know what that means!" To which I reply with, "Don't forget about JOHN Wayne Gacy, John Hinckley Jr., John Allen Muhammad (DC Sniper). Does that make John McCain a serial killer or maniac?"2:34 [Comment From ckt]Are we stuck with the electoral college forever or is there a possibility that this antiquated process will be thrown over?2:37 : I hope not. This isn't going to be very popular, but hear me out. Without the electoral college, candidates would spend all of their time in the big cities running up the popular vote. The electoral college at least gets the candidates into the smaller cities and towns. Also, the electoral
college discourages third parties, which is important for maintaining some sort of continuity. Multi-party systems are generally great in terms of choices on election day, but terrible in terms of holding together a constitution for longer than a few years.2:38 [Comment From Laura]okay, Bob.. what's the deal with exit polls.. do I obsessively wait for them or just.. patiently do something else until the polls close and real returns start to trickle in?2:38 : Don't believe the exit polls. We were all hoodwinked by the exit polls four years ago. Some of them were mostly on target, but the ones that mattered were way, way off.2:40 : McCain is talking in Colorado. I hope we'll get this one last time:2:41 [Video file] YouTube: rtx97MR08Cg Play2:42 [Comment From Ryan]Hey Bob, just wanted to say I am a big fan and I just placed my order from One Nation Under Fear. Keep up the goddamn awesome work.2:42 : Awesome, Ryan. Thank you!2:42 [Comment From Eric]Bob, several credible commentators have suggested the exit polls were correct and the counts were gamed. Any thoughts.2:44 : I don't know. I think in some cases that was true, but I don't think it was enough to have significantly changed the outcome.2:44 [Comment From Richard]What do you think the odds are of a 269-269 tie?2:45 : Zero. And it makes me throw up in my mouth a little.2:45 [Comment From BigDan]Bob, do you believe the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections were stolen?2:45 : 2000 yes. 2004 probably not.2:47 : This is McCain's standard stump speech. The other day during Senator Obama's stump speech in Cleveland, not only did they cut it off -- unlike the McCain-Palin show for the rest of the day -- but while Senator Obama was talking about how weird it is to see Dick Cheney "delighted" the camera was shaking as if it was mounted on top of a paint mixer.2:50 :I've always questioned the awesomeness of McCain's "fight, fight, stand, sit, fight, fight, standing up!" run. We've spent eight dark years fighting -- I think America is exhausted and we want solutions and pragmatism, not more demands that we fight, fight, fight.2:50 [Comment From wydgage]Hi, Bob... many thanks for your great writing on HuffPo. i've looked forward to your postings each week. Have you noticed how McCain seems to stumble on or slur the word "president"? it sounds like he's saying "present".2:51 : Heh. I never noticed that. I have, however, noticed "Worshington."2:51 [Comment From Jaime]Bob, If Indiana is too close to call after closing, do you think Obama is golden?2:52 : Overall, yes. There are more than a few bellwethers, but if Indiana is too close to call, I think we're looking at a strong signal that Senator Obama is going to carry some big-time redness.2:54 [Comment From John]Can you PLEASE say something positive about McCain?2:57 : Yes. I can't imagine the horrors he went through in Vietnam. The atrocities that we was able to endure -- to survive it must have required enormous strength and courage. I will always admire him for that aspect of his life.2:58 [Comment From John the former pilot]Cesca... Boxers or Briefs... or commando today?2:59 : Boxer briefs. Louis CK does a whole bit about the advantages of boxer briefs in his recent Showtime special.2:59 [Comment From brent]Do you feel that if Obama does win we actually could start to see a shift in the tone of national discourse to one of actual shared cause, or does the GOP hunker down and start planning their next power-drunk takeover?3:01 : In a broad sense, no. The discourse will remain divided for quite some time -- but it will get better. Slowly. If Senator Obama wins, the far-right noise machine will be crazier than they were in the 1990s. Digby called it "intellectual violence" -- i.e. Malkin screaming about Democrats investigating Joe the Plumber, even though she practically stalked 12-year-old Graeme Frost.3:02 [Comment From marc]Hey Bob - what are you seeing in GA? I've been following it a bit, keep an eye on it and seeing that the AA turnout has been stronger than expected so far in early voting, do you think it might flip or at least get very close? I think it was Ariana that called it a sleeper.3:04 : Georgia is bonus points. If we get Georgia, great! Bonus! If not, I won't be too upset. The 10 hour lines in Atlanta were crimes against democracy, though. Win or lose, any line longer than 15 minutes is a poll tax -- Rachel Maddow discussed this at length last night.3:04 [Comment From Groobiecat]bob, don't you sense that, relative to 2004, there's more of a pride in voting *for* someone this time around (Obama), rather than voting *against* someone (Bush). http://inthefield.blogs.cnn.com/2008/11/04/this-election-will-change-the-world/3:07 : Absolutely. Voting for Senator Obama -- we're voting for a entire movement. A movement that will directly impact all of us. That said, we're voting against a giant pile of crap, too. See my Huffington Post column from last week: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bob-cesca/the-mandatory-rejection-o_b_139062.html3:08 [Comment From Bob Constitution]Why didn't Obama make a bigger issue out of Bush and Co.'s unconstitutional signing statements? Surely President Obama won't be tempted to repeat this gross offense to limited government....right?3:11 : He's said a couple of times that one of the first things he's going to do is to review all of President Bush's executive orders for their constitutionality (or lack thereof). Who better to follow the Bush administration than a constitutional scholar? HEH?! How about it? HEH?!3:11 [Comment From Nervous in Seattle]Bob, please tell me....concerning the electoral college - why is it winner-take-all in most states? It seems to me that the electoral votes should divided by proportions...3:17 : Proportional electoral votes are awesome in theory. I just worry about gerrymandering of the boundaries. How do we draw the borders and keep the representation accurate without politics screwing with the regions? I don't see any fairness in that process.3:18 : Norah O'Donnell has a gigantic collar on her shirt.3:19 : See? I can go from high-minded political wonkery to an ad hominem observation about a pundit. Caffeine!3:19 [Comment From Confident in California]WHy not just abolish the electoral college all together? After all, it's a pretty arcaic syatem. Plus, everyone's always talking about patriotism and national pride, yet we still have a system that is devisive.3:21 : Scroll up. I think I covered this earlier. A divisive system would be one in which 20 parties dividing the government between them -- and you think we have gridlock now...3:22 : Taking a short break to scan the tubes. Stand by...3:25 : Hold it! Don't nobody move!3:27 : Still scanning the tubes. Nate Silver tells us why we should ignore the exit polls:http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2008/11/ten-reasons-why-you-should-ignore-exit.html3:30 : A Song for the Resistance:3:30 [Video file] YouTube: hB1qYH06qso Play3:33 : Resume!3:34 : I'm back.3:35 [Comment From Mike Mucous]Bob, what do you make of the similarity between the map of the Confederate States and the map of McCain strongholds?3:38 : I think the Southern Strategy works very well for the Republicans. It has for 40 years. Think about it. One of the primary Republican Party strategies is to use race to divide voters in the south. And yet this party is somehow taken seriously.3:38 : Another break. Don't nobody move!3:39 : Have to work out a Skype connection with BBC Radio. Seriously.3:48 : Resume!3:49 [Comment From BigDan]Bob, exit polls are reliable for years, they revote in other countries like the Ukraine when the exit polls are off, and exit polls were first "off" in 2000, the year you yourself admit above the election was stolen3:50 : That's very true, but after 2004 I'm not going to get emotionally wrapped up in them.3:50 : That's why I'm not believing them this year.3:50 [Comment From Mac]Can you say something nice about McCain again?3:51 : He seems like a nice guy when he's not being a politician.3:51 [Comment From dontpanic]can i pee?3:51 : Go!3:51 [Co
mment From sue sheridan]still here, Bob - Ohio...your thoughts?3:52 : Ohio looks good for Obama, at least based on the Pollster trend lines. And personally, I really want Senator Obama to win there -- not just because of 2004, but also because of the whole "white working class" worrying during the primaries.3:53 [Comment From Micah]*GASP* The BBC?? How elitist! :-D3:54 : It was really cool, actually. I was able to speak through my microphone via Skype and it sounded like I was in-studio with them. I'll be on sometime between 11PM and midnight eastern.3:54 [Comment From By-Tor]Bob. Any thoughts on Bush attacking civil liberties, the environment and, of course, reproductive rights right now before his term is up?3:56 : Awesome legacy he's leaving, eh? On the bright side, nothing is too impossible to roll back.3:56 [Comment From Eric]Bob, are you going to be on BBC? Time and chanel?3:57 : BBC Radio. Between 11PM and Midnight eastern time.3:58 [Comment From Guest]Bob, to follow up on the Southern Strategy/Confederate States question, do you think we're in the midst of a civil cold war (i.e., Red States / Blue States)?3:59 : Four years ago I did. I actually pitched a TV series called Civil War II. No luck.4:00 [Comment From Guest]Did you fell sorry for Palin when she was prank called by the ? She seemed so gleeful and nervous, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for her.4:01 : After the syllabus of awful she's dished out? No way.4:01 [Comment From Joshua]Bob, how do you feel about Pennsylvania?4:04 : Not a fan. I'm a native Virginian, and I've never -- OH! You mean in terms of the election -- okay. Sorry. Scroll up. I think I covered this up there somewheres. In terms of polls, Pennsylvania looks safe for Senator Obama. But the McCain campaign and the 527s have been spending huge money on ads. The Rev. Wright ad and the "I survived an abortion and Obama is a baby killer" ad has been running continuously for three days now.4:04 [Comment From Ryan]What are the odds that Obama hits 400 Ev's?4:05 : I'll be happy with anything above 300.4:05 [Comment From Guest]You know HBO did a movie about a second American Civil war a few years ago4:06 : Really? I do remember a civil war movie in which Cailfornia splits into two pieces and goes to war with itself.4:08 : The polls close in Indiana exactly two hours from right now! Stress!4:08 [Comment From Richard]Bob, how damaged is the Rove brand assuming an Obama victory?4:09 : The Rove brand was doomed long ago. FOX News keeps him around so they can have a race-baiter to compete with Buchanan on MSNBC and Castellanos on CNN.4:10 [Comment From Yvonne]I appreciate your posting those slave autobiographical narratives. Makes you wonder what those folks would be saying about today...it feels incredible4:13 : Thank you. They really underscore the history of today -- win or lose. The narratives are posted here: https://www.bobcesca.com/blog-archives/slave_narratives/index.htmlBook recommendation: Douglas Blackmon's "Slavery By Another Name".4:13 [Comment From Courtney]Dare I say I think Buchanan has mellowed on MSNBC4:17 : The fact that Rachel has him on her show indicates to me that he's all bluster while on-the-air, and perhaps a little more likeable off-the-air. Of course that doesn't make his on-the-air remarks any less acidic. But you know who's really insane these days? John McLaughlin. It's all just John letting "pretty, pretty" Monica Crowley talk for an hour, and when Monica stops talking, the panel shouts down poor Eleanor Clift.4:17 [Comment From Mike, MN]Don't get cocky. Are you insinuating you'd be unhappy with 270 ev's?4:18 : Of course I'd be happy with anything above 270. But Senator Obama needs a governing mandate. That means at least 300 electoral votes.4:19 [Comment From sherriwilson]Hi Bob, how many Senate seats do you think the Dems will pick up tonight and do you think Norm Coleman and Elizabeth Dole will go down?4:19 : Eight. Yes and yes.4:22 : Breaking news! My Republican brother who lives in Charlotte, North Carolina voted for Senator Obama today. Well, that's obviously because my brother is black. After all, Rush Limbaugh said that "it's totally about race" whenever a Republican supports Obama.4:22 : Oh wait. My brother is white.4:24 [Comment From Yvonne]Which election returns are you watching? all this channel switching is making me schizophrenic...not to mention live blogging and radio...4:25 : I'm scanning all three cable news networks as part of my gig here. But my default is MSNBC. You know, because despite Scarborough all morning and Pat Buchanan all day, it's the liberal network -- in the tank for Obama.4:26 : Remember when they showed the Rev. Wright tapes all day every day for most of February? Liberal!4:30 : Okay, so here's the actual reasons why my southern Republican brother voted for Obama: "The fact that he is so well respected internationally. We need a leader that mend the fences internationally and regain many of the allies we lost by jumping into an unpopular/unjustified war. I think by creating a environment that stabilizes our foreign relations can go along way in calming the fluctuations that effect the global economy as well b/c of the lack of consumer confidence. Plus Sarah Palin is a moron."4:33 : Hour and a half until Indiana polls close!Here's a rally video for Indiana...4:33 [Video file] YouTube: Hdg91Z0VgDw Play4:34 [Comment From Bootoomee]Your brother is only following the leads of other blacks like Susan Eisenhower, Mike Smerconish, Gov weld4:35 : I've been keeping tabs:https://www.bobcesca.com/blog-archives/totally_about_race/index.html4:40 [Comment From Darah]I had hoped someone live blogging would say something nice about Sarah Palin4:42 : She's doesn't randomly blurt out "HEH?!"4:43 [Video file] YouTube: rtx97MR08Cg Play4:45 : Hold it! Don't nobody move. Another break.4:52 : BooMan has a funny story for you here.4:54 : Today's Worst Person in the World: Lars Larson.This guy is carried by the local AM station here. Three hours of Limbaugh, three hours of Larson. Zero hours of liberals.5:00 [Comment From JeremyB]seriously, the autoplay is gonna get me fired.5:00 : Are the videos autoplaying? If so, I'm sorry.5:01 [Comment From Stranahan]Cliff Schecter has said he liked Pat Buchanan in person5:03 : I always got that impression. That he's a nice guy off-the-air.5:05 : The problem with Pat, though, is the public crazy. His Rev. Wright op-ed column was particularly ugly. Basically: African Americans should be grateful to white people -- you know, because of food stamps.5:07 [Comment From PizzaGuy1]MSNBC just reported that PA is using touch screen machines for the first time, and has had probs resulting in thousands of provisional ballots......5:09 : Unbelievable. We use Shouptonic analog machines here in eastern PA. They're not great, but they're not ridiculously opaque either.5:11 : MSNBC's official prime time coverage is underway with Matthews, Olbermann, Stretch, Buchanan et al. Chuck Todd is trapped inside of a video game that looks like the starship Enterprise if the Enterprise was built by the ancient Greeks.5:14 [Comment From Donna]Bob, wondering what your thoughts were on Rachel Maddow and the success of her show. Olbermann's getting flack for his 'hyper'-liberalism but she seems, well... cute, in her liberal ways.5:15 : Not only is Rachel succeeding as a liberal voice on cable news, but she's also proving that liberals really aren't freakish or moonbatty -- she's destroying the stereotype every night.5:18 : Observation: It's easier to buy an Egg McMuffin than it is to vote.5:20 : Quick break. Don't nobody move!----This is the same 'Cover It Live' window that I'm also running at the Huffington Post. I'll be adding new threads later this evening as we clog up the tubes here. So feel free to comment in the CIL window, or the usual comment section below. But warning! If you want your comments to be preserved, you should use the usual commenting system.
I have not idea what will happen with the CIL window after a while.