Republican Party

Clinging to Their Guns, Religion and Porn

Red staters love porn:

According to a new Harvard Business School study, eight of the top ten states in terms of online porn consumption were ones where McCain won in the presidential election.

From the study (pdf):

Residents of 27 states that passed laws banning gay marriages boasted 11% more porn subscribers than states that don't explicitly restrict gay marriage.

Nice. Isn't it weird how divorce rates and porn usage are more prevalent in conservative, self-proclaimed "traditional family values" regions of the country?

Incidentally, the Harvard study attained its statistics from "anonymised credit cards receipts from a large online porn company," according to David Pescovitz at BoingBoing. I'm not saying that red state people are idiots, but look -- they're still paying credit card interest on subscription sites in the age of the totally free YouPorn? Yeah well, okay I'll say it. Idiots!