
Krugman's Jobs Number

I've been quoting Jed Lewison's calculation of 1 to 2.5 million fewer jobs created with the centrist cuts to the Senate bill, based on an estimate of $140 billion in cuts. Paul Krugman, however, is calculating 600,000 fewer new jobs over the next two years, based on a lesser $86 billion in cuts.

Either way, the centrists and capitulators are telling 600,000+ Americans...

No jobs for you!

Dean Baker (via Steve Benen) puts a fine point on this:

We should talk about the spending cuts as job cuts.

Exactly. If the president can make a case like this on Monday night in prime time, it might just provide the muscle needed to shove the numbers back up.

I think I said it here yesterday: More spending equals more jobs equals more economic growth.