
Who Is John Galt?

A popular tea bagger named Tennyson Hayes has started up a Craig's List knockoff site called The slogan below the logo is the predictable "Who is John Galt?" question found throughout the broader tea baggery movement.


Which is fine, I suppose, except they clearly don't know the answer to the famous "Who Is John Galt?" question otherwise they wouldn't be hocking "t-shirts and merch" in their Zazzle store and asking visitors to sell their crap via their Galt classified ads. In other words, the whole venture runs contrary to the John Galt story.

In short, John Galt, a character from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, deliberately withdraws from society and refuses to sell or produce anything with the goal of bringing the economy to its knees. Then again, if you read between the lines, it's rumored that Galt in fact sold t-shirts, kitchen aprons and coffee mugs.