
The Multiple Dimensions of Obama Politics

Noam Scheiber:

Around the conference table at TNR, we've been saying for weeks that what Obama really needed was a group of equally vocal, equally zealous critics on the left, pulling the debate's center of gravity in the other direction. And, wouldn't you know, that's exactly what's happened over the last 48 hours.

Now, I have no idea if the White House's intention was to soften on the public option just enough to infuriate, then mobilize and activate the left to revive its push for the public option. But, as Noam writes, that's exactly what has happened.

Here are the immediate consequences of the president's and Secretary Sebelius's remarks from this past weekend:

1) The netroots are re-activated and are furiously talking policy and mobilizing again.
2) The House progressives have declared an ultimatum in support of the public option.
3) Congressman Weiner has emerged as a terrific spokesman in Congress.
4) The AFL-CIO has drawn a line in sand in support of the public option.
5) The debate has shifted back to policy and away from crazy wingnuts. As long as healthcare reform is about policy, the Democrats win.
6) Complacent, the far-right prematurely tipped their hand on their opposition to co-ops, weakening their position and signaling that no amount of comprise will win their votes.

If this was all by accident, then this White House is supremely lucky. If this was by design, I think we're dealing with some very smart people in the West Wing.