Rush Limbaugh

The Will of the People

Limbaugh via Jed Lewison:

Never in my life have I seen a regime like this, governing against the will of the people, purposely. I have never seen the media so supportive of a regime amassing so much power. And I have never known as many people who literally fear for the future of the country.

53 percent of America -- 66,882,230 -- elected Barack Obama on a platform that was built around three major features: healthcare reform, energy and education. That's "the will of the people." It's not like Bush who campaigned as a moderate then turned into a colossal fucking demon less than a year in. President Obama is essentially doing what he promised he would do.

But of course Limbaugh (and everyone else who's repeating this meme) is referring to polls showing divided support for the reform bill. I thought the wingnut right was opposed to governing based on polls. Presidents should govern based on GUT, right? I mean, a clear majority of Americans don't want to overturn Roe v Wade. Americans distrust and disapprove of the Republican plan for healthcare. Americans support laws regulating gun ownership. Americans support same-sex marriage.

So fine, Limbaugh. Let the president govern by polls.