
Arizona: the Capital of Wingnuttia, Part 2

Don't you dare suggest this is racially motivated, even though it really is.

Today, the Wall Street Journal reports that the Arizona Department of Education “recently began telling school districts that teachers whose spoken English it deems to be heavily accented or ungrammatical must be removed from classes for students still learning English.”

So any teacher with a foreign accent (read that: brown accent), and thus an insight into learning English as a second language, is now banned from teaching people to speak English in Arizona. Meanwhile, they're insisting everyone with brown heritage learn English -- or else.

See, it's okay for, say, a teacher with a Southern accent to teach English even though words like "y'all" aren't considered proper English. But someone with a Latino accent is banned. Southern drawl = white, good. Latino accent = brown, bad.

Nope. Not about race. I'm just insane.

Adding... I challenge any teabagger to compete against a newly naturalized immigrant on an American history and civics test. I assure you the immigrant will win every time.