

Via Duncan, here's a Meet the Press exchange illustrating how specific the Republicans are when it comes to reducing the deficit.

GREGORY: Senator, I’m sorry, I’m not hearing an answer here on specifics. What painful choices to really deal with the deficit — is Social Security on the table? — what will Republicans do that will give them, like ‘94, there was the Contract with America, what are voters going to say, hey, this is what Republicans will say yes to.

CORNYN: Well, the president has a debt commission that reports December the first, and I think we’d all like to see what they come back with.

GREGORY: But wait a minute, conservatives need a Democratic president’s debt commission to figure out what it is they need to cut?

Let's see. Big John Cowboy is waiting for the results of a commission he filibustered. And the only specific idea he's presented recently with regards to the deficit is to make the Bush tax cuts permanent -- and to not pay for them.