
Tax Cuts = Deficit Spending

I'm sure various Republicans will insist he's a liberal shill (he's not), but a guy from Moody's Analytics was on the Chuck Todd show this morning and when Savanah Guthrie asked him whether tax cuts were the same as deficit spending, he replied that they absolutely were.

Earlier in the appearance, the Moody's guy said that the Bush tax cuts, if made permanent, would add around $500 billion to the deficit. According to this graph, the Bush tax cuts would account for more than half of the federal budget deficit by the year 2050.

Meanwhile, Moody's previously reported that deficit spending has a significantly greater economic stimulus effect than tax cuts. In fact, a dollar spent on tax cuts only returns 32-cents in stimulus, but a dollar spent on deficit spending creates anywhere from $1.13 to $1.74 in stimulus.

So what's the smart choice here? I'll give you a hint: the Republican plan is clearly the very, very stupid choice. Again.