
More Wingnut Contradictions

Joe Miller has come out in favor of repealing the 17th Amendment, which ended the practice of state legislatures choosing U.S. Senators and instituted popular elections instead.

Joe Miller is running for Senate in a, you know, popular election. He's opposed to the legitimacy of his own candidacy.

Meanwhile, he also believes unemployment benefits are unconstitutional. And yet...

Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller admitted Monday that his wife had received unemployment benefits in 2002 after she left a job serving as his aide.

Seriously not embarrassed. And somehow too many of these contradictory amateur dumbstupids are going to win their elections. We're not a very bright nation.

As Maddow says: "They're not embarrassed." Which says a lot about their character. Such flagrant inconsistencies and lies, yet they can grin and move forward.

ht Ashby