
They Can't Possibly Get More Ridiculous

You know the list. There are literally dozens upon dozens of crazy Republican things flying around the news right now. It's almost impossible to keep track of all of it, but it really doesn't seem to matter because Americans appear to be leaning in the direction of "vote crazy" anyway.

Here's the latest thing.

West Virginia Senate hopeful John Raese is hitting the campaign trail with a plan to launch 1000 laser guns into orbit to shoot down rogue state missiles. "We need 1,000 laser systems put in the sky and we need it right now."

[Laser sounds] Ptchoo! Ptchooo! Blam! [/Laser sounds]

We're really losing to these idiots?

I mean really. These are the people we're dealing with. Put it this way: try to have a reasonable debate with this freakdog about, say, economic stimulus multipliers. He appears to believe that we can put lasers in space to shoot down missiles even though the technology and the practicality of implementing it is questionable at best.

And, Mr. Raese, why 1,000 lasers specifically?