
Coburn Supports Gun Control

The sociopaths at the NRA won't be happy about this.

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, viewed as a staunch congressional supporter of gun rights, said Sunday he is willing to work to make sure the mentally ill cannot get and use a gun.

Appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," the Oklahoma Republican rejected legislative efforts expected from others to ban or limit high-capacity gun clips like that one allegedly used in the assassination attempt against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., that left others dead and injured.

"Let's fix the real problem," Coburn said.

"Here's a mentally deranged person who had access to a gun that shouldn't have had access to a gun."

If we can pass a law like this with Republican support, why not a law banning high capacity magazines -- technology that's entirely useless?

Well, of course neither will pass. The NRA will muscle Coburn and he'll either quietly withdraw his support for such a measure, or he'll retract the statement entirely. Or else.