
The Tyranny of Fluorescents

South Carolina lawmakers are highly insulted that the federal "guvmint" would dare mandate the replacement of the nearly 150 year old incandescent light bulb with new, energy-efficient compact fluorescents. So insulted, in fact, that they are pushing for a new state law that allows the continued use of incandescents within the state.

COLUMBIA, S.C. – South Carolina lawmakers are taking a stand in favor of states' lights.

With incandescent bulbs being phased out under federal law in favor of energy-efficient compact fluorescents, legislators want to exempt South Carolina from the measure, saying Washington has no business telling the state how to light its closets and countertops.

The proposed state law, called the Incandescent Light Bulb Freedom Act, "allows South Carolina to say to the federal government we are going to exercise our rights," said Republican state Rep. Bill Sandifer, a co-sponsor.

They may take our lights, but they'll never take our freedom!