Far-right Intellectual Violence

BBQ and Islamophobia

The Republicans of Williamson County, Tennessee sure know how to party.

The Williamson County Republican Party in Tennessee hosted Dutch politician Geert Wilders Thursday afternoon, alongside a free barbecue lunch hosted by the Tennessee Freedom Coalition. The official announcement described Wilders as "a member of the House of Representatives in the Netherlands since 1998 and has been outspoken in his warnings to the West about the dangers of 'Islamization' creeping across the continent." [...]

Wilders, who is on trial in the Netherlands for inciting violence against Muslims through inflammatory rhetoric, appeared at last year's rally to oppose the Park51 Islamic Center, near ground zero in Manhattan. The event was hosted by anti-Islam Atlas Shrugs blogger Pamela Geller, who called Wilders "a modern-day Churchill." And (just like Churchill) Wilders called the proposed Islamic center "a mosque, a house of sharia," that is "not only a provocation. It's humiliation." He also warned that "we must draw the line so that New York, rooted in Dutch tolerance, will never become 'New Mecca.'"

Sounds wholesome doesn't it? A brisk spring afternoon married with the Republican Party, free barbeque, a hate-mongering politician currently on trial for inciting violence, and some Tea Party style "patriotism."

Can anyone provide me with an example of the Democratic Party officially hosting an event that is even remotely similar? Since both sides are equally crazy, there should be an equal example out there somewhere, right? No?

Fortunately, I'm sure most of those in attendance were there strictly for the barbeque.