
President Obama's Accomplishments

Andrew Sullivan:

Obama avoided a plunge into the second Great Depression. He saved the auto industry. His bank bailout may make a profit. He has withdrawn most troops from Iraq. He has ended the ban on openly gay servicemembers. He has appointed two women to the Supreme Court. He muscled universal healthcare through the Congress into law. He ended torture as the law of the land.

Abroad, since his Cairo speech, democratic revolution after revolution has occurred. From Tehran to Tunisia to Egypt, Bahrain, Syria and Yemen, the march of freedom George W Bush imagined has actually swept the region under his successor. Where Obama has failed - Israel/Palestine - he may still prevail.

But the capture and killing of bin Laden eclipses these. [Continued here]

I challenge anyone on the right to say out loud that he's the worst president ever -- and then to justify it with hard evidence. And I challenge anyone on the left to say out loud that he hasn't fulfilled any of his campaign promises or that he's been a disappointment -- and then to justify it with hard evidence.