
Jackass Of The Day

John Yoo, author of the "torture memos" and advocate of warrant-less wiretapping, criticizing President Obama's interpretation of the War Powers Act and our logistical involvement in Libya.

Just as the administration brushed aside the Constitution’s limits on the federal government’s powers over the domestic economy, so too it is ignoring a national security law it believes to be constitutional simply because it stands in the way of Democratic Party goals. [...]

Obama’s indefensible interpretation of the WPR is transparently driven by politics. … These decisions show an administration that treats the law cynically and manipulatively, to achieve purely political ends.

Because when seeking advise on the constitution, the legality of a president's decisions, and the politics of those decisions, the first person you want to turn to is the man responsible both for advising President Bush and Dick Cheney that torture was legally acceptable, and that there was ample authority for illegal wire-tapping.

Of course I expect nothing less from the Daily Caller.