The Media


MSNBC's Shatner-as-Kirk pundit, Dylan Ratigan, totally lost his shpadoinkle yesterday about something or another involving "tens of trillions of dollars" being extracted from America.

Naturally, Kirk didn't give a flying rip about the nuances of the discussion, but, as usual, leaned on his favorite panic button: broadstroke systemic problems and how both sides are to blame. He might as well be shouting about goblins and the Yeti because he does this all the time and never presents a resolution other than "We MUST do something about this! Khaaaannnnnnn!"

Anyway, the metldown/rant begins at around 4:19. There's also a bonus Osama/Obama gaffe by the "Republican analyst" earlier in the video.

We have the lowest taxation in history, Captain. How can our money be extracted from taxation?

Adding... This, too...

And also... While there's some truth in what Dylan was saying about money in politics, etc, it all sounds disingenuous and staged. Here's a guy who rips on "pro wrestling" in politics, then props up Andrew Breitbart and T. Boone Pickens while staging panels with people from each party -- a wrestling match. If he wanted to talk big systemic issues, then talk about it. But don't set up your panel with an "analyst" from each party, then flip your shit at them about the party divisions in Washington. Here's the short form of the discussion:

KIRK: Let's talk about the debt. Here's someone from each side.
KIRK: Treeeeeeellions of dollars!!!! RRRROOOOOOWWWR! Both sides!!!!

MrBrink with a better short form, from the comments:

I want a president who fights for an end to politics!

Is that so much to ask?