The Daily Banter

What Was Cory Booker Thinking?

My Tuesday column for The Daily Banter begins like so...

Even though he obviously has some issues to overcome, I simply don’t believe the progressive love affair with Newark Mayor Cory Booker is over. On Meet the Press, the popular mayor inexplicably attacked the Obama team for demonizing Mitt Romney’s record with Bain Capital and likened it to the Republicans using Rev. Wright as a campaign issue.

“[F]rom a very personal level, I’m not about to sit here and indict private equity,” Booker said. He continued by saying that he’s “very uncomfortable with” the attacks on Bain. He added, “[T]his kind of stuff is nauseating to me on both sides.”

Ugh. The “both sides” meme and an infuriatingly false equivalence between Bain and Rev. Wright... CONTINUE READING HERE...