
Americans Hate Obamacare, While Loving Everything About It

My column from yesterday looks at the results of a revealing Reuters/Ipsos poll about the president's healthcare reform law.

The Supreme Court will be handing down its decision on the Affordable Care Act this week (for real this time) and all of the following might be moot if they end up ruling the law unconstitutional, but, once again, another poll has proved the ongoing thesis that the American people are highly confused and misinformed about the law.

We recently discussed how senior citizens are the biggest recipients of the ACA's provisions so far, with, right off the bat, more than 14 million of them taking advantage of the law's new preventative care coverage, while millions more are benefiting from the law's gradual closure of the Medicare Part-D donut hole that, heretofore, seniors had to pay for life-sustaining prescriptions out of their own pocket, and yet they're inexplicably against the law as well as the president who passed the law.

It doesn't make any sense, and the only thing that does make sense is the Springfield-Townspeople-from-The-Simpsons style contradictions and wildly self-defeating groupthink. We expect Americans to be ignoramuses, but not to this ridiculous extent.

And, oh yes, it gets worse. Continued here...