
Exploiting and Indulging Fat, Stupid Americans

Ashby tells me that Burger King has introduced a bacon sundae. That's a hot fudge and caramel sundae with bacon pieces sprinkled on top and a whole stick of bacon jammed into the side.

At the risk of sounding like the King of All Liberals, I seriously think they ought to tax the shit out of these things -- the Double-Down, the Doritos Taco and this awful bacon swirly -- and use the revenue to help finance a public option. In 2008, $147 billion was spent on obese Americans. Coupled with smoking, obesity will cost $2.4 trillion over 10 years.

The fast food and soda companies are exploiting self-indulgent Americans who subsequently create huge demand for prescription drugs and medical services, contributing to an exponential increase in costs. In other words, shitty food and the people who buy it are creating a burden on our healthcare system. There ought to be cost for doing this kind of business.