
Rep. John Mica Lies, Makes Stuff Up

Representative John Mica (R-Batshit) would like to remind us all how Fast and Furious started, and he's going to do that by lying and making things up.

House Oversight Committee member Rep. John Mica (R-FL) took to Fox News last week to promote the conspiracy theory that the Obama administration had ATF agents let guns “walk” during Operation Fast and Furious in an effort to boost political will for enacting gun control. [...]

“People forget how all of this started. This administration is a gun-control administration. They tried to put the violence in Mexico on the blame of the United States. So they concocted this scheme and actually sending our federal agents, sending guns down there, and trying to cook some little deal to say that we have got to get more guns under control,” Mica said, a theory that is supported by absolutely zero evidence. “That’s how this all started.”

First of all, the program began in 2006 under former President George W. Bush and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. And it was Eric Holder who initiated the investigation into the program after it was called to his attention.

Yes, Eric Holder initiated an investigation of a Bush-era program contrary to the idea that the Obama administration was unwilling to investigate anything.

Furthermore, this is a conspiracy theory straight out of the paranoid minds of the NRA that we've covered here frequently.

According to the NRA, the Obama administration's lack of new gun-control laws is really just a ruse to trick you into believing he's not going to take away your freedoms, and you better not let him fool you. Fast and Furious is used as an example by the NRA of the devious ways the diabolical Obama administration will trick America into banning guns. The problem of course is that the Obama administration didn't create the program.

John Mica is repeating NRA talking points word-for-word.

The entire premise of the GOP's campaign against Eric Holder is a lie based on rumors and conspiracy-mongering uttered in the offices of Infowars years ago. Co-opted by the NRA to sell guns and used by the GOP to justify a political witch hunt.