The Daily Banter

The Expensive Right-Wing Effort to Kill Obamacare

Conservatives are literally spending hundreds of millions of dollars to kill the Affordable Care Act, even though the law could be overturned by the Supreme Court early next week. My column from yesterday examined their high-priced efforts:

...Consequently, there are way too many Americans who are utterly clueless about what's in the law, and, instead, they believe in hooey like "death panels" and insist that "Obamacare" costs a bazillion dollars -- both things are clearly false, of course, beginning obviously with "death panels" which were vented like a toxic whoosh of gas from the hole in Sarah Palin's walnut-brain and, more importantly, the law reduces deficit and pays for itself. None of that matters because the nickname for the law has "Obama" in there so it has to be destroyed.

Put another way, if President Obama is responsible for the law -- any law -- it must be the product of his socialistic, "anti-colonial" (??), secular, Kenyan worldview. Most conservatives, as with the details of the ACA, don't know what any of those words actually mean, but they sound sinister so they must be crushed with extreme prejudice. Continued here...