Foreign Policy

Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran

The Romney campaign unilaterally endorsed a preemptive attack on Iran yesterday during the first day of Mitt Romney's trip to Israel. But that's not at all.

Senior adivser Dan Senor also lowered the bar for what a Romney administration would consider to be justification for a preemptive strike.

“If Israel has to take action on its own, in order to stop Iran from developing that capability, the governor would respect that decision,” Mr. Senor said.

Previewing Mr. Romney’s remarks, Mr. Senor explained: “It is not enough just to stop Iran from developing a nuclear program. The capability, even if that capability is short of weaponization, is a pathway to weaponization, and the capability gives Iran the power it needs to wreak havoc in the region and around the world.”

"The capability, even if that capability is short of weaponization."

Meaning a Romney administration would consider even a nuclear energy program to be justification for a preemptive attack. Ignoring the fact that Iran's civilian nuclear program is monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Because it's a "pathway to weaponization."

There should be no doubt that the foreign policy of a Romney administration would strongly resemble and possibly even surpass the awfulness of the Bush administration.

Romney won't even release his tax returns. Does anyone really believe his administration wouldn't set a new precedent for secrecy and subterfuge? And Romney's spokespersons would say "it was legal" with all due contempt.