
Doing the Same Thing and Expecting Different Results

The definition of insanity. For the 31st time, the Republicans will vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act today.

This is arguably the most repetitive pander to the base. Ever. And more Americans every day, including Republicans who agree with most of law's provisions, don't want the law to be repealed.

When House Republicans vote for the 31st time tomorrow to kill the entirety of the law -- that's literally the number, not a figure exaggerated for humor -- they'll no doubt give a lot of speeches boasting that "the American people" are on their side. But public attitudes are far more complex than the right chooses to believe -- support for the law has gone up and the provisions within the law remain quite popular. Less than a third of the country actually likes the Republican proposal to scrap every letter of the law.

The votes are purely symbolic because they'll never get beyond the wacky House. But I wonder if the Democrats should be making a bigger deal of the Republican effort to repeal an increasingly popular law.