The Daily Banter

Fox News Channel's 'The Five' Attacked Another Kid

My Thursday column is a no-holds-barred riff on "The Five"...

When the programming wizards at Fox News Channel devised "The Five" it was kind of a no-brainer.

And by the way, I think "no-brainer" is actually an employment qualification at the network. The concept for The Five was simple: create a Hannity/Beck/O'Reilly chimera, multiply it times five and squeeze it through the FNC Play-dough factory and SQUISH! A show.

It makes perfect sense.

If one host, like Hannity or Beck or whoever, is a huge success, why not amplify the nearsighted simplistic hackery of those doofs times five? Perhaps it'd be, you know, five times as successful. Then call the show "The Five" because they're are five people! Five! How many people? This many! (Holds out five fingers like a toddler.) Continue reading here...