The Daily Banter

Guess What's in Our Mail Bag?

Fantastically insightful answers to your emails. That's what. The questions:

1. Hi Bob, Ben, Chez, what did you think about John McCain's rebuke of Michele Bachmann? Is this redemption for his appalling behavior in 2008, and going off the edge in terms of wanting to blow up anyone who disagrees with America? Given the state of the GOP it was a ballsy move if you ask me.

2. Can you please explain retroactive retirement? How does Romney get to decide when he retired even though there's a paper trail with explicit evidence detailing exactly when he stopped having anything to do with Bain? Is this something rich people just assume they can get away with?
Rob B.

3. Do you think Anthony Weiner should get back into politics? He's an ambitious guy and I think he won't stop at Mayor. How far can he actually go given the nature of his ? Ben Cohen's article was interesting and I kinda agree. He seems like a complete narcissist/ego maniac and I think there's enough of them in politics already.
Carl Dexter

Our answers here.