Lying Liars

He’ll Get Back To You. Or Maybe Not.

Romney claimed he couldn't recall whether or not he has ever paid a tax rate lower than 13 percent when asked by ABC news, but rather than say he would not disclose more of his personal finances, he said he would get back to them.

Not surprisingly, it turns out that he won't be getting back to them.

ABC says Romney officials have not gotten back to them on whether Romney ever paid a lower tax rate than 13.9% despite their repeated queries. Instead, they received a rehash of Romney’s already disclosed taxes and charitable donations from 2010, suggesting that Romney may have overpromised in his interview what his campaign was willing to reveal.

“Mitt Romney has paid his taxes in full compliance with U.S. law, and he has paid 100 percent of what he has owed,” Romney spokeswoman Gail Gitcho told ABC News in a statement.

"It was legal."