The Media

Liberal Media Bias

The White House Correspondents’ Association has decided not to punish The Daily Caller for Neil Munro's heckling outburst in the rose garden last month.

The organization’s incoming president, Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry, raised the issue of the Munro incident, according to minutes from the WHCA’s June 29 meeting, which were emailed to WHCA members Tuesday. Henry expressed concern about the breach of decorum but did not consider it the organization’s role to police journalists, according to the minutes. The rest of the board members present apparently agreed. “There was little interest in official censure or action among board members, although all expressed general agreement with Henry’s assessment of the incident,” the minutes said.

Fox News' Ed Henry. Ya' don't say?

I won't say it's a big shocker that The Daily Caller won't be punished, because we all know there's a gross double standard at play here.

If a liberal "journalist" did something similar to a sitting Republican president, the correspondents' association would shit a brick and there would be a congressional hearing on the matter.