The Daily Banter

Why Do People Hate Liberals?

My Wednesday column is an expanded examination of the problems facing liberals and how Americans really don't hate us -- they hate that we can't sell our ideas like conservatives do.

It's only slightly less frustrating to watch Fox News Channel and to listen to right-wing talk radio as it often is to observe progressives choke on their own well-meaning, but ultimately self-defeating tongues.

Seriously, the act of observing fellow liberals every day on the blogs, on The Facebook and elsewhere too often makes me want to smash my computer using a team of monkeys brandishing explosive wiffle bats. Specifically, the act of watching progressives who don't understand the realities of American government and politics, watching progressives desperately seeking "reasonable" conservatives in some sort of futile attempt at détente, and watching hipster cool-kid progressives undermining support for the most liberal president of our time might actually make me lose my shpadoinkle, even though I generally feel pretty centered.

To be honest, I didn't intend to get into yet another column-length rant about this topic... until I read a piece on Salon by Alex Pareene who thinks, "Aaron Sorkin is why people hate liberals." Continue reading here...