The Daily Banter

Damn Right the President Should Blame Bush for the Recession

My Monday column is a response to Jeb Bush's request that President Obama stop blaming George W. Bush for the economy.

Yes, I get it. Among the children of Barbara and George H.W. Bush, Jeb Bush is considered the "smart and reasonable" one. But that's sort of like saying, Lotsa' hammers in that tool box, but this hammer doesn't hurt as much when you bash it into my skull.

Make no mistake. When challenged, Jeb Bush is capable of being as petty and nearsighted as just about any Republican you can name. He might do it with a smile on his face, but as the famous Shakespeare quote goes (say it with me), "That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain."

On Meet the Press yesterday, Jeb insisted that President Obama should stop blaming his brother, George W., for the condition of things, "I think it is time for him to move on. I mean -- look, the guy was dealt a difficult hand, no question about it. But he's had three years. His policies have failed, and rather than blame others -- which I know we were taught that that was kind of unbecoming over time -- you just can't keep doing that. Maybe offer some fresh new solutions to the problems that we face."

Totally smart and reasonable, yes?

No way.

This is typical Republican behavior with overtones of the "starve the beast" strategy. Continue reading here...