The Daily Banter

Guns, Ballots and the Daily Banter Mail Bag!

For this week's Mail Bag, we answer some reader questions about firebaggers, Paul Ryan's looks and the potential for an armed neo-con rebellion. The questions:

Do you think the Firebaggers, Greenwaldians, Libetarian Leftists and other various and sundry anarcho-nihilists will have any impact in diminishing the vote for Obama (via convincing people to stay home or to write in a vanity candidtae) in swing states this year?

What do any/all of you make of the Paul Ryan "Pretty Boy" factor? Is it even close to the really weird Sarah Palin attraction that some guys had in 2008?

I have seen many posts by neo-con friends that say they will take back is country by ballot or by bullet. I'd like to know who they are going to shoot.

Go here for the answers.