
Second Amendment Remedies

As you may or may not be aware, today is Mike Huckabee's "Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day." A day for like-minded haters of marriage equality to show their support for discrimination by eating corporate chicken sandwiches. Because freedom!

Others are showing their support for the religious fundie fast-food chain in other ways, such as suggesting city mayors who attempt to block the construction of new Chick-Fil-A restaurants should be shot.

GULFPORT — South Mississippi congressional candidate Ron Williams said mayors vowing to block new Chick-fil-A restaurants because the company’s president opposes gay marriage “need to be introduced to the Second Amendment ASAP.”

Williams, a Libertarian candidate for the U.S. House District 4 seat, made that and other statements in a letter to the editor to the Sun Herald. But asked about the letter, he said his comments were “hyperbole, non clarity,” and that “I don’t want anybody to go shoot anybody, but I want people to understand what a slippery slope we can be on and what the purpose of the Second Amendment is.”

The purpose of the second amendment is to ensure corporations with anti-civil rights agendas are free to spread their bigotry!

Coming from a libertarian man from the southern state of Mississippi, that's almost Freudian.

Personally I haven't eaten fast food in over 8 months now, but when I still did, I stopped eating Chick-Fil-A after they began serving food at anti-gay rallies on college campuses.

Chick-Fil-A also sponsors Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, which in addition to promoting discrimination against gays also promotes the War on Women.

You can eat there if you want to, but you should know where your money is going.