The Daily Banter

The Biggest Mitt Romney Lie (So Far)

My Tuesday column details the Romney lie about the Ohio early voting law and the totally false claim that the president is trying to disenfranchise the military.

...And in Ohio, Republicans tried to significantly cut back the window for early voting from five weeks to three weeks. They failed to keep the law on the books, but the Republicans managed to ban early voting on the weekends, except for military veterans who can continue to vote on Saturday and Sunday.

However, the Obama administration filed a lawsuit against Ohio to restore weekend voting for all registered voters. Soldiers would retain weekend voting privileges, and voters would once again be allowed to vote on those days. Once again, the Democrats are trying to make voting easier and the Republicans are trying to strip people of that fundamental right.

Over the weekend, Mitt Romney, while clearly benefiting from Republican voter purges and Voter ID laws meant to discourage minority and working class voters, accused the Obama administration of somehow trying to disenfranchise military voters. In other words, the Democrats are the ones who are trying to disenfranchise people -- and they hate the troops, too! The troops! Continue reading here...