
Worst Person in the World

Congressman Todd Akin (R-Dumpstupid) of course.

Not only is the Romney campaign distancing itself from this legitimately stupid moron, but conservative activists are calling for him to quit the race for Senate.

Not only were his remarks about rape and abortion fully and completely ignorant -- full stop -- but they were completely ignorant in the opinion of the generally ignorant conservative activist base. That's really damn ignorant.

Adding... Here's Paul Ryan vouching for Akin's awesomeness last year:

“Todd Akin has been a great asset to the House Budget Committee,” Ryan said in a joint press release last November with fellow House leaders, including NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions, and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan. “His principled approach to fiscal responsibility is exactly the kind of leadership America needs and I appreciate his hard work.”

Yeah, and he's a big honking doofus. Excellent leadership!