Epic Fail

You’re Qualified!

It's unfortunate for the Romney campaign that they've turned this election into a debate over the merits of the private sector versus the public sector, because their vice presidential nominee, Paul Ryan, has spent most of his life working for the government.

In fact, Ryan's private sector experience probably isn't something you'll hear touted at all on the campaign trail.

The Romney campaign has released some facts on the private sector jobs Ryan has held: “Ryan moonlighted on Capitol Hill as a waiter at the Tortilla Coast restaurant & as a fitness trainer at Washington Sport and Health Club. …One of Ryan’s summer jobs in college was as an Oscar Mayer salesman in Minnesota, peddling turkey bacon and a new line called ‘Lunchables’ to supermarkets – he even drove the ‘Wienermobile’ once.”

But remember -- it's the president who is unqualified!

Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with waiting tables or driving the Wienermobile. Someone has to do it. But not everyone is prepared to be next in line to the presidency either.