Election 2012

It’s the ‘Very Special Episode’ of the Mitt Romney Campaign

My Thursday column documents the fuzzier, cuddlier, more "empathic" version of Mitt Romney:

I've admittedly lost track of the ongoing series of Mitt Romney "reboots." With each iteration we've heard wildly different stories, each one escalating his desperate and frenetic scramble to hit the correct tone and message -- something he should've thought about in 2011 when he launched his campaign.

It's the sort of flailing we often observe on a dying television show. Ratings down? Suddenly WHOOPS! the lead actress is pregnant! Or, aloha! We're in Hawaii! Or, look who's come to visit from out of town, an adorable yet precocious mop-haired kid. Or, it's Mr. T!

All of it looks progressively ridiculous and carries with it the stink of epic failure.

The latest Mitt Romney reboot is clearly the "Very Special" episode in which a cuddly fuzzy Romney pretends to empathize with the plight of average Americans. Not only has Romney released a soft-spoken mea culpa in which he backpedals his "47 Percent" video remarks, but he's also said this... Continue reading here.