Election 2012

“My Job Is Not To Worry About Those People.”

I'm not sure I'd call this candidacy-ending, but this video is absolutely brutal. This is going to go viral.

The transcript is embedded if you can't listen, but I recommend listening for the full effect.

This was taken at a private, closed-door fundraiser earlier this year. You know, one of those "quiet rooms."

According to Mitt, virtually half the country are lazy, irresponsible welfare queens dependent on the government. And some of them even think we should give them food if they have none! The gall! Oh and, by the way, he wants your votes.

Does this mean Mitt will be voting for President Obama? After all, Mitt could be considered part of the mythical "47 percent" considering that he pays taxes on capital gains but not income taxes.

This is another part of the video sent to David Corn of Mother Jones which, given recent events, seems particularly relevant.

I have a very good team of extraordinarily experienced, highly successful consultants, a couple of people in particular who have done races around the world. I didn't realize it. These guys in the US—the Karl Rove equivalents—they do races all over the world: in Armenia, in Africa, in Israel. I mean, they work for Bibi Netanyahu in his race.

That shines a light on things, doesn't it?

View the entire series of clips here.