Election 2012

Romney Fever Continues to Spread

We're approaching pandemic levels as Romney fever reaches Bill Kristol.

“If this election is just about the last four years, that’s a muddy verdict. Bush was president during the financial meltdown. The Obama team has turned that around pretty well. Bill Clinton’s speech at the convention was very important in that way."

Kristol is obviously in-the-tank for President Obama.

When the dust of this election settles, the race to be the first pundit to say "don't blame me," even though Mitt Romney's candidacy is a horror-show of their own making, will be a sight to behold.

The Obama campaign is one of the best, if not the best, campaign operation we've ever seen, so they deserve the lion's share of the credit for Romney shambles, but OFA had a lot of help from the conservative echo chamber that gave birth to the worst crop of candidates imaginable.

The next batch of degenerates in 2016 will be no different if Fox News continues to pick their candidates for them.