The Daily Banter

The Daily Banter Mail Bag is Dreaming About Mitt Romney

This week's mail bag questions for me, Chez and Ben...

1) What's the dream 2016 presidential matchup, and what will it actually be?

2) I'm a designer at a national news network and well, our ratings have been on the low side. I've read many articles about how to "fix our ratings problem", and our graphics are always mentioned. Why? Why? Why? What's wrong with having cool graphics and why do the critics mock them? I always thought that's what the viewers enjoyed ( ESP. During the elections). What's wrong with thinking outside of the box and challenging myself as a designer? I'm so grateful that I work for a company that encourages my department to take risks and allows us to experiment with new design trends and technology, and it pisses me off when these critics say all of our hard work is a waste and stupid. Are most people in this industry squares with no imagination?

3) I am a woman and a progressive. I had a sex dream about Mitt Romney, and it wasn't a nightmare. What is wrong with me? What if it happens again?

Read our answers here.