The Daily Banter

The Death of the Republican Party?

The far-right is losing its shpadoinkle over the awkward, struggling Romney campaign. My Wednesday column examines who, exactly, is responsible for the uncertain future of the Republican Party:

Holy hell, if we were only that lucky. Rush Limbaugh and his legion imitators in right-wing talk radio have lapsed into a collective freakout regarding the upshot of the dueling conventions and the polling numbers that point to the likely re-election of the president (if the election were held today). It's not surprising given Mitt Romney's pathetically awkward campaign against a much sharper and aggressive campaign from the president and the Democrats.

Rush Limbaugh led the charge with a rather fatalist comment about the future of the party, "If Obama wins, let me tell you what it's the end of: The Republican Party. There's gonna be a third party that's gonna be oriented toward conservatism. I know Rand Paul thinks libertarianism. And I know if Obama wins, the Republican Party is gonna try to maneuver things so conservatives get blamed."

Laura Ingraham joined in, "If you can't beat Barack Obama with this record, then shut down the party. Shut it down, start new, with new people. Because this is a gimme election, or at least it should be."

Interesting. It's almost as if they compared notes considering how they said, you know, the exact same thing... Continue reading here.