The Daily Banter

Mitt Romney’s Secret Plan to Fix the Economy

My Wednesday column tries to figure out Romney's secret plan, only to conclude that it's as ambiguous as Romney himself.

Job creation is up. Inflation is down. Business profits are up. Consumer debt is down. American auto sales are up. Middle class taxes are down. Prescription drug savings are up. The deficit is down. The stock market is up. Unemployment is down. Consumer confidence is up. Spending growth is down. GDP is up. Wars are down. Home values are up. Bin Laden is down.

There are, of course, other second or third tier indicators that don't look as positive, but these top shelf factors tell a very positive story. In swing states like Ohio and elsewhere, there are very real signs of steady improvement, and, until last week's debate, I didn't think voters were willing to completely reverse course. And reversing course is precisely what Mitt Romney will do by his own admission, categorically repealing all of the president's initiatives and replacing them with something else. No one knows what the specific replacement programs will be because Romney hasn't told anyone.

Let's just call it Romney's "Secret Plan to Fix the Economy."

What do we know about this plan?

I don't know.

Do you? [continued]

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