Election 2012

Romney’s One Debate Win vs. Obama’s Three Debate Wins

Nate Silver's charts with my annotations:

Question for the room: Why do you think Romney received such a massive bounce with one debate win, but the president received a much smaller bounce with three consecutive debate wins (including the vice president's debate win)?

Romney had 90 solid minutes in six months of piss-poor general election campaigning. And somehow that changed his fortunes so significantly? Why? The president, on the other hand, had two solid debates and his bounce appears minimal beyond simply stopping Romney's momentum.


After three presidential debates and much handwringing, Americans have declared the debate season featuring President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney a tie, according to polling released Thursday by USA Today/Gallup.

The president won two debates (three with Biden) and Romney won one, but voters according to Gallup call it a tie? Hmmm.